## 听了又听,都觉得这是首不错的歌曲。
祝福大家 ##
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
1. 蚯蚓一家这天很无聊,小蚯蚓就把自己切成两段打羽毛球去了; 蚯蚓妈妈觉得这方法不错,就把自己切成四段打麻将去了; 蚯蚓爸爸想了想,就把自己切成了肉末。蚯蚓妈妈哭着说:"你怎么这么傻?切这么碎会死的!" 蚯蚓爸爸弱弱地说:"……突然想踢足球。" 2、龟兔赛跑.....兔子很快跑到前面去了...... 乌龟看到一只蜗牛爬得很慢很慢.....对他说:你上来,我背你吧.....然后......蜗牛就上来了........ 过了一会....乌龟又看到一只蚂蚁....对他说:你也上来吧....于是蚂蚁也上来了。 蚂蚁上来以后......看到上面的蜗牛......对他说了句:你好!你们知道蜗牛说什么吗? 蜗牛说:你抓紧点,这乌龟好快....... 3、五元钱被犯罪团伙绑架了,打电话给百元钞:"喂!你儿子在这里,不想我们撕票就用自己来换他!" 百元钞想了一下说:"撕吧,撕了你们连5块钱都没有了!" 4、有一对男女正在吃晚餐,那个女生一直问那个男生:你爱不爱我? 男生看了女生一眼又继续吃晚餐。 女生很生气又再问了一次:你爱不爱我? 男生终于说:爱! 女生又问:那你要怎么证明? 忽然男生从口袋里拿了三十元出来,并问女生:你有没有十元? 女生拿了十元给了男生...... 男生就把四十元放在桌上,过了一会儿........ 女生很生气的问男生:你到底要不要证明你爱我啊! 男生说:我己经证明了啊!四十摆在眼前! 5、有一天,一家失火了,爸爸妈妈都逃出来了,只剩下一个儿子还在里面。妈妈很紧张的在屋外大喊: "儿子.....你在干吗......都失火了还不出来......" 儿子回答:"我在穿袜子阿....." 妈妈又说,"都失火了还穿什么袜子...." 过了五分钟,儿子还没出来...... 妈妈又紧张的喊,"儿子,你到底在干什么?快出来~都失火了,还待在里面....." 儿子说,"我在脱袜子阿........." 6、有个人到河边钓鱼,先穿了个树叶~半天没鱼上钩,他又换了块面包~一样半天没鱼上钩~没办法他只好去换蚯蚓~一样还是半天没鱼上 钩~~ 他气愤之下掏一张百元大炒扔入水中大骂: "他*的,要吃什么!自己去买!" 7、"我看不清太远的东西,"病人对眼科医生说。 "请跟我来,"医生把病人带到外面,用手指着天上的太阳,问道,"你看那是什么?" "太阳。"病人回答。 "那你还想看多远!" 8、有一天动物们在关公庙前面闻到很臭的味道。 蛇说:我这么小不会放这么臭的屁,一定是牛。 牛说:我是吃草的不会放这么臭的屁 猪说:放屁的人一定会脸红。 忽然关公冲了出来,把猪打飞说:说了多少次了,我脸红是天生的。 9、有个人一天碰到上帝,上帝突然大发善心打算给那人一个愿望...... 上帝问,你有什么愿望吗?那个人想了想,听说猫都有9条命,那请您赐给我9条命吧。 上帝说:好,你的愿望实现咯。 一天,那个人闲来无聊,如说去死一死算了,反正有9条命嘛,就躺在铁轨上...... 结果一辆火车开过去.....那人还是死了,这是为什么呢?因为那列火车的车厢有10节。 10、一天,殡仪馆送来了三个人,说也奇怪,他们死后的笑容都是^_^.......殡仪馆管理员很纳闷的问警察:为什么他们死后的脸竟然会是^_^ 呢? 警察说:这.....说来话长........你看左边那个人,他是跟她老婆在共度春宵时.....在最激情的那一刻,受不了,挂了。 管理员就回答说:唉.....人在花下死,做鬼也风流。那中间那一个是怎么死的? 警察:中间那一个喔,他呀,真是人间惨剧,他走在路上,忽然听见自己中了头彩,奖金7亿多...... 他开心的哈哈大笑时,却被迎面而来的车给撞上了,结果,挂了。 管理员回答说:唉,他真的是没有福气享受这荣华富贵的后半辈子。那剩下的这一个呢? 警察:这一个死的就有点可怜了,他是爬上树的时候被雷给劈死的。 管理员回答说:这就有点不对了,被雷劈到为什么还会笑呢.... 警察说:因为他爬上树后,突然一道闪电...... 他以为......有人给他拍照...... 11、话说数千年以前,无论是公狗还是母狗,他们小便时都是蹲着的,直到唐朝,事情才有了转变…… 唐太宗大家听过吧!他老人家养了一对北京狗,有一次唐太宗上华山祭天,带了这一对去…… 祭到一半时,母狗突然内急,于是便跑到一棵树后解决,在祭天时这是非常不敬的行为,因此惹恼了玉帝, 玉帝命令雷公打了一个雷,正好打在树上,树倒了,压死了母狗,公狗看了以后非常害怕…… 从此以后,公狗每次在树下小便时,都会伸出一只脚,用力顶着树,以免树倒下来压到自己 。 =_=! |
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Back From Demersal Trawling~
First thing first, demersal otter trawling in deep sea sure is hard work! You need to withstand the waves and seasickness apart from doing all those works!! Luckily I was okay for this fishing trip but some of my mates were not doing so well......
Well, our practical started on Saturday morning, 8 Aug with our group setting up the gillnet and pots at our selected sites. Then the pots was left for 24 hours while the gillnet was retrieved after 2 hours. Gillnet was set up twice, one in daytime and one in the evening to see the differences in catches! While waiting to retrieve the gillnet, we did fishing with rod and line. Apparently we did caught some fishes throughout the time~ And our gillnet was found empty for the daytime, while 2 fishes were caught during dusk. The pots was empty too. Sad~
The next morning at around 6am, our group followed the commercial trawler to bound for my first ever trawling experience.

The sea was rough, even early morning time but the weather was nice~ Cumulus clouds forming early in the morning..
The trawl was released into the seabed at locations more than 20 nautical miles away from land.


The trawl the lasted for 2 hours and in the mean time, I slept! Because the night before I totally stayed awake and was getting sleepy. It was a good nap though, windy and cool. Along the way at a point my mates noticed dolphins at a faraway distance. Then after 2 hours, the trawl net was retrieved back onto the boat. Sea birds were found circling in the air above the net, how smart of them~ But sorry, no food for y'all! Amazingly, a group of dolphins followed the net towards our boat!! There were quite a number of them, swam around and doing some jumps! so nice! They swam close to our boat and this is the first time I get this close with dolphins!! So gorgeous!


Soon after the net was fully retrieved, they dissapeared~ The harvest were unloaded on the deck, and our group together with the crews immediately sort out different kinds of fish, big and small, poisonous and non-venomous, according to species.. The smell stinks! We got some big flounders, squids, crabs, puffer fish, etc etc~


Soon UMS Stenella came to pick us up and another group take charge for second trawling.. Got back in UMS jetty at around 11.15am, and continued to sort the fishes for lab session next time.
Tired, exhausted and all beat down~
Overall it was a great experience though...
But I don't think I well go for another trawling in the near future, the stinky smell is still with me~
Well, our practical started on Saturday morning, 8 Aug with our group setting up the gillnet and pots at our selected sites. Then the pots was left for 24 hours while the gillnet was retrieved after 2 hours. Gillnet was set up twice, one in daytime and one in the evening to see the differences in catches! While waiting to retrieve the gillnet, we did fishing with rod and line. Apparently we did caught some fishes throughout the time~ And our gillnet was found empty for the daytime, while 2 fishes were caught during dusk. The pots was empty too. Sad~
The next morning at around 6am, our group followed the commercial trawler to bound for my first ever trawling experience.
The sea was rough, even early morning time but the weather was nice~ Cumulus clouds forming early in the morning..
The trawl was released into the seabed at locations more than 20 nautical miles away from land.
The trawl the lasted for 2 hours and in the mean time, I slept! Because the night before I totally stayed awake and was getting sleepy. It was a good nap though, windy and cool. Along the way at a point my mates noticed dolphins at a faraway distance. Then after 2 hours, the trawl net was retrieved back onto the boat. Sea birds were found circling in the air above the net, how smart of them~ But sorry, no food for y'all! Amazingly, a group of dolphins followed the net towards our boat!! There were quite a number of them, swam around and doing some jumps! so nice! They swam close to our boat and this is the first time I get this close with dolphins!! So gorgeous!
Soon after the net was fully retrieved, they dissapeared~ The harvest were unloaded on the deck, and our group together with the crews immediately sort out different kinds of fish, big and small, poisonous and non-venomous, according to species.. The smell stinks! We got some big flounders, squids, crabs, puffer fish, etc etc~
Soon UMS Stenella came to pick us up and another group take charge for second trawling.. Got back in UMS jetty at around 11.15am, and continued to sort the fishes for lab session next time.
Tired, exhausted and all beat down~
Overall it was a great experience though...
But I don't think I well go for another trawling in the near future, the stinky smell is still with me~
Friday, August 7, 2009
Help Out Friend With Hawksbill Turtles!
This afternoon I went to my friend with his final year project on Hawksbill Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata). Today he was going to do a measurement for growth analysis of a total of 5 turtles. They are so naughty!! I helped by holding them one at a time while my friend take the measurements.They keep paddling in the air... I have to hold very carefully, and one of them cut my left palm with its paddle. Very sharp! 2 small portions of my skin came off and the cuts bleed immediately. It hurts! (~.~)
Anyway, after that we went for a short tour in our Museum & Aquarium. It has been so long since I last visited there. A nice place~

Anyway, after that we went for a short tour in our Museum & Aquarium. It has been so long since I last visited there. A nice place~
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Chocolate Fondue! Yummy~
Yesterday afternoon, some of my coursemates and I went for a chocolate fondue buffet at 1Borneo. The place's name is Simply Chocolate Cafe. Quite a nice place to hangout~
We ate a lots. The are two toppings, dark and white chocolate. This was my first time to eat fruits with chocolate topping. Kinda weird right? But they taste nice, at least for me as a chocolate lover. Anyway, I don't think I'll touch another chocolate bar in a month~ Had too much for a day...
Here are some of the photos taken:



Good day~
We ate a lots. The are two toppings, dark and white chocolate. This was my first time to eat fruits with chocolate topping. Kinda weird right? But they taste nice, at least for me as a chocolate lover. Anyway, I don't think I'll touch another chocolate bar in a month~ Had too much for a day...
Here are some of the photos taken:
Good day~
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Photos From The Family Day~
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Marine Family Day, 01/08/2009, Mamutik Island!
Today, we had our annual Marine Senior-Junior Family Day Gathering held at Pulau Mamutik of Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. Come to think of it, this will be the last that I'll be able to join. This was my third gathering already, firstly when I was still a freshie, then as a senior for freshies, and now as freshies' senior's senior~
Gathered at Jesselton Point, KK, then after the second years' as organiser settled the ticketing thing, we transferred to the island by boats. The waves were really, really strong. Windy! Apparently, the ride was terribly causing pain in the ass, real pain~ Anyway, we arrived there and soon the juniors were involved in a series of games.
The weather was hot and windy. I spent most of the time watching, chatting and playing football. I did went for a swim and got myself few cuts all over the hands and legs by the rocks and corals as water became shallow due to ebb tide. Ouchy~ Somehow I was lucky that I borrowed my camera for my friends that went for snorkelling and were able to take some shoots in the water. Nice ones~
And before I forget, I wanna congratulate the second year's juniors for doing a great job in organising this event!
Great work guys~
To all the first year juniors, welcome and have lots of good times ahead~
Best wishes to all~
Gathered at Jesselton Point, KK, then after the second years' as organiser settled the ticketing thing, we transferred to the island by boats. The waves were really, really strong. Windy! Apparently, the ride was terribly causing pain in the ass, real pain~ Anyway, we arrived there and soon the juniors were involved in a series of games.
The weather was hot and windy. I spent most of the time watching, chatting and playing football. I did went for a swim and got myself few cuts all over the hands and legs by the rocks and corals as water became shallow due to ebb tide. Ouchy~ Somehow I was lucky that I borrowed my camera for my friends that went for snorkelling and were able to take some shoots in the water. Nice ones~
And before I forget, I wanna congratulate the second year's juniors for doing a great job in organising this event!
Great work guys~
To all the first year juniors, welcome and have lots of good times ahead~
Best wishes to all~
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